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M. Papadrakakis, N.D. Lagaros and V. Plevris, "Multi-objective Optimization of Skeletal Structures under Static and Seismic Loading Conditions", Engineering Optimization, 34(6), pp. 645-669, 2002.

Almost every real world problem involves simultaneous optimization of several incommensurable and often competing objectives which constitutes a multi-objective optimization problem. In multi-objective optimization problems the optimal solution is not unique as in single-objective optimization problems. This paper is concerned with large-scale structural optimization of skeletal structures such as space frames and trusses, under static and/or seismic loading conditions with multiple objectives. Combinatorial optimization methods and in particular algorithms based on evolution strategies are implemented for the solution of this type of problems. In treating seismic loading conditions a number of accelerograms are produced from the elastic design response spectrum of the region. These accelerograms constitute the multiple loading conditions under which the structures are optimally designed. This approach for treating seismic loading is compared with an approximate design approach, based on simplifications adopted by the seismic codes, in the framework of multi-objective optimization.

Multi-objective Structural Optimization; Evolution Strategies; Seismic Loading.