Journal Artikler

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M. Papadrakakis, N.D. Lagaros and V. Plevris, "Optimum Design of Space Frames under Seismic Loading", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 1(1), pp. 105-123, 2001.

The objective of this paper is to perform structural optimization under seismic loading. Combinatorial optimization methods and in particular algorithms based on Evolution Strategies are implemented for the solution of large-scale structural optimization problems under seismic loading. In this work the efficiency of a rigorous approach in treating dynamic loading is investigated and compared with a simplified dynamic analysis in the framework of finding the optimum design of structures with minimum weight. In this context a number of accelerograms are produced from the elastic design response spectrum of the region. These accelerograms constitute the multiple loading conditions under which the structures are optimally designed. This approach is compared with an approximate design approach based on simplifications adopted by the seismic codes. The results obtained for a characteristic test problem indicate a substantial improvement in the final design when the proposed optimization procedure is implemented.

Structural optimization; evolution strategies; seismic loading.